Proxy Services
Now Including NEW Virtual Proxy Service
For all owners who cannot attend in person, MeetMyCondo works with your management team to ensure all proxy instructions are taken into account for the meeting.
MeetMyCondos Virtual Proxy Service is now included with ALL our virtual meeting packages.
Online Voting
Now Including NEW Advanced Voting
MeetMyCondo offers formal ballot voting included in our service that is accessed by participants through any smart device.
We also include an advanced e-voting option in all our meeting packages! Unit owners with email addresses on file will receive ballots in advance of their AGM to help bolster participation.
Meeting Set-Up
MeetMyCondo works with your property management team, and/or directors in the set up for your virtual meeting.
Registration & Attendance
MeetMyCondo offers multiple options for our registration process to ensure it best meets your needs. We also manage attendance for your meeting.

Dry Run & Silent Start
Want some time to discuss the meeting prior to its start? MeetMyCondo includes a 30 minute dry run session with the panel and a 15 minute silent start prior to your meeting start time.
Live Technical Support
MeetMyCondo is available prior to, during, and if necessary, after the meeting to provide reasonable technical support.